Non-Restricted Use:
Roundup Power Max - 2.5 Gallon​
Roundup Power Max is a total vegetation killer. The recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre. See Label Here.
Gly St​ar Plus (Generic Roundup) - 2.5 Gallon
See above description. See Label Here.
A​mine 2-4D - 1 Gallon, 2.5 Gallon
Amine 2-4D is a broadleaf killer. It is safe to use on lawns for killing dandelions and other broadleaf weeds. The recommended mixing rate is a pint per acre. See Label Here.
LV6​ 2-4D - 2.5 Gallon
LV6 2-4D is a more potent 2-4D. It is a broadleaf killer, but it is not recommended for use on lawns. The recommended mixing rate is a pint per acre. See Label Here.
Pri​mera Triplet - 2.5 Gallon
Triplet is a potent 2-4D. It is a broadleaf killer, The recommended mixing rate is a pint per acre. See Label Here.
​Weedmaster - 1 Gallon, 2.5 Gallon.
Weedmaster is a mix of 2-4D and Banville. Weedmaster is a broadleaf killer that is also safe to use on corn. The recommended mixing rate is 10 oz per acre. See Label Here.
​Thunder/Pursuit - 1 Gallon.
- ​Thunder/Pursuit is an herbicide for weed control in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is 4-6 oz per acre.
​Volunteer (Intensity) - 1 Gallon, 2.5 Gallon
Volunteer is a grass killer for alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is a pint per acre.
​Tricor - 5 lbs
Tricor is a pre-emergent herbicide for alfalfa. The recommended range is 1/2 lb - 1.25 lbs per acre. See Label Here.
​Alfa Max - 30 lbs
Alfa max is a pre-emergent weed spray for alfalfa. ​The recommended mixing rate is 1.5 lbs per acre. See Label Here.​​
​Velpar - 2.5 Gallons
Velpar is a pre-emergent weed spray for alfalfa. ​The recommended mixing rate is 1 quart per acre. See Label Here.
​Diuron - 2.5 Gallon
Diuron is a pre-emergent weed spray for alfalfa. It should be mixed with Tricor. ​The recommended mixing rate for Diuron is is 1 quart per acre. See Label Here.
Chaparral - 1.25 lb, 5 lb
Chaparral is a weed spray for alfalfa. It is our best product for killing thistles. It should be mixed at a rate of 3.3 ounces per acre.​ See Label Here
Sta​tus - 125 oz
- Status is used for weed control in corn. ​The recommended mixing rate is 2.5 oz per acre. See Label Here.
Sandea - 10 oz
- Sandea is an herbicide for weed control in pumpkin fields. The recommended mixing rate is 1 oz per acre.​ See Label Here.
Spike - 25 lbs​
- Spike is used for killing sagebrush. The recommended mixing rate is 2 lbs per acre.​ See Label Here.​​
Treflan - 50 lbs
- A pre-emergent weed spray for annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. The recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre. See Label Here.​​​
Restricted Use:
Atrazine - 2.5 Gallon
- Atrazine is used for weed control in corn. The recommended mixing rate for Atrazine is 2 quarts per acre.​ See Label Here.
Gramoxone - 2.5 Gallon
Gramoxone is a total weed killer that is burns plants back and kills down to the roots. For mixing rates​​ See Label Here.
Crossbow - 1 Gallon
- Crossbow is used for killing woody plants like sagebrush and willows. For mixing rates See Label Here.
Tordon 22K - 2.5 Gallon
- Tordon 22K is a woody plant killer for sagebrush, willows, and similar plants. For mixing rates See Label Here.
Non-Restricted Use
Dimethoate - 2.5 Gallon
- Dimethoate is an aphid killer for alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is a pint per acre.​ See Label Here​
Sivanto - 2.5 Gallon
- Sivanto is an aphid killer that works well on blue aphids which tend to be harder to kill. It is for use in alfalfa and the recommended mixing rate is 10 oz per acre.​ See Label Here​​
Steward - 2.5 Gallon
Steward is an insecticide used for killing weevil in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is 11 oz per acre.​ See Label Here.​
Malathion - 1 Pt, 1 Qt, 1 Gallon
- Malathion is an insect killer that works well on mosquitos, weevil, grasshoppers, spider mites, and aphids. The recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre.​ See Label Here​​
Carbaryl - 2.5 Gallon
- Carbaryl is an all purpose insect killer (similar to liquid seven). For mixing rate See Label Here​​
Zeal - 3 oz
- Zeal is a spider mite killer for use in corn. The recommended mixing rate is 2 oz per acre.​ See Label Here.​
Restricted Use:
Govern (Whirlwind) (Lorsban) - 2.5 Gallon
Govern is for use in killing weevil and aphid in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre.
​ See Govern Label Here.​ See Whirlwind Label Here.
Lambda-Cy - 1 Gallon​
Lamba-Cy is for use in killing weevil and aphids in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is 3.8 oz per acre. See Label Here.
Cobalt - 2.5 Gallon
- Cobalt is for use in killing weevil and aphids in alfalfa. the recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre. See Label Here.
Lannate - 2.5 Gallon
Lannate is for use in killing weevil and aphid in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is a quart per acre.​ See Label Here.​
Mustang Maxx - 1 Gallon
Mustang Maxx is for use in killing weevil and aphid in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is 4 oz per acre.​ See Label Here.
Stallion - 2.5 Gallon
Stallion is for use in killing weevil and aphid in alfalfa. The recommended mixing rate is 11 oz per acre.​​ See Label Here.​
Diazinon AG500 - 2.5 Gallon
Specialty Products
Wet-Cit: 1 Quart, 2.5 Gallon
Our most popular spray additive. Wet-Cit helps the spray stick to the plants more and absorb into the leaves to use the spray more efficiently. It also increases the effectiveness of insecticides. The mixing rate for Wet-Cit is 1 quart per 100 gallons of water. See Label Here.
Load-UP - 2.5 Gallon
Load up is a water conditioner that helps control hard water so that the chemicals are not deactivated. The recommended mixing rate is 1 quart per 100 Gallons of water. ​See Label Here.
BB5 - 1 Gallon, 2.5 Gallon​​
BB5 is a pH adjustor that helps adjust the pH of the water to the right level for maximum chemical efficiency. For mixing rate See Label.
Nexia - 2.5 Gallon​
Nexia is a microbial product that helps the good microbes in the soil. For mixing rate See Label.
Tolero - 2.5 Gallon​
- Tolero is a soil conditioner. Its function is to help water penetrate the soil in areas where the ground is hard and to retain water in the soil for plants to use over time. If you are limited in the amount of water available, this will help you to make that water stretch. The recommended mixing rate is 1 quart per acre. See Label Here.​​​
Pramitol - 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon, 25lb granules.
Pramitol is a ground sterilant which will prevent any plants or weeds from growing in a certain area for 3 to 5 years.​ For mixing rate See Label Here.
Weed Blast - 6 lb, 40 lb
Weed blast is a granular ground sterilant which will prevent any plants or weeds from growing in a certain area for 3 to 5 ​years. After the granules are spread they must be waters in to dissolve and get down into the soil. The recommended spreading rate is 1/2 lb per 100 sq ft. See label here.
Gopher Bait
Non-Restricted Use:
Rozol - 25 lbs​
Omega - 50 lbs​​
Restricted Use:
Rozol Voal - 50 lbs​
Avalon - 50 lbs​
Zinc Phosphide Oats - 12 lbs, 45 lbs​​